Friday January 24th – Amesbury, Haslemere (Co Ed, 2-13) 01428 604322 www.amesburyschool.co.uk
Thursday 23rd January (back up Tuesday 18th March) – Guildford High School Prep Guildford (Girls 4-11) 01483 543853. www.guildfordhigh.surrey.sch.uk
Friday 17th January (back ups – Friday 28th February) – Churcher’s College Junior School, Liphook. (Co Ed 4-11) 01730 236 870 www.churcherscollege.com
Saturday 22nd February – Frensham Heights, Rowledge, Farnham (Co Ed 3-18). 01252 792 561. www.frensham.org
Friday 7th February – Prior’s Field School, Godalming (Girls 11-18). 01483 810551. www.priorsfieldschool.com
Tuesday 4th February, (back ups – Wednesday 19th March), Friday 20th June, – St Catherine’s, Bramley, (Girls 11-18) www.stcatherines.info. 01483 893363
Thursday 6th February (back ups Friday 14th March, ) – St Catherine’s Prep, Bramley (Girls 4-11) 01483 899665 (Prep). www.stcatherines.info
Saturday 8th February – Stay and Play 2 and 3 year olds – St Catherine’s Pre Prep, Bramley (Girls 4-11) 01483 899665 (Prep). www.stcatherines.info
Wednesday 5th February (back ups Thursday 13th March) – Guildford High School Guildford (Girls 11-18) 01483 543853. www.guildfordhigh.surrey.sch.uk
Tuesday 11th February (back up Thursday 8th May) – Duke of Kent School, Cranleigh (Co Ed 4-16), 01483 277313 . www.dukeofkentschool.org.uk
Friday February 7th (back ups Thursday 20th March) – Churcher’s College Senior School, Petersfield (Co Ed 11-18), 01730 263 033. www.churcherscollege.com
Friday February 28th – Cranleigh Prep, Cranleigh (Co Ed 7-13) 01483 542058 www.cranprep.org
Wednesday 5th February (back ups Wednesday 23rd April) – Lord Wandsworth College, Long Sutton (Co Ed 11-18) 01256 862201. www.lordwandsworth.org
Monday 26th February (back up Saturday 20th April) – Longacre, Shamley Green, Guildford (Co Ed 2-11) 01483 893225 www.longacre.surrey.sch.uk
Saturday 1st March (back up Saturday 10th May) – Seaford College, Petworth (Co Ed Ages 6-13 (Prep) Ages 13-18 (Senior) 01798 867893 (Prep) 01798 867456 (Senior) www.seaford.org
Saturday 1st March – (back up 7th June) Aldro, Shackleford (Co Ed 7-13) 01483 813535 www.aldro.org
Wednesday 12h March (back ups Friday 6th June) – Royal Grammar School Prep, Guildford (Boys 3-11 ). www.rgsg.co.uk 01483 880650 (Prep)
Friday 14th March (back ups – Friday 9th May) – Tormead School Prep, Guildford, (Girls 4-11) 01483 796040 (Junior) & Tormead School, Guildford. 01483 575101 (Senior girls 11-18)) www.tormeadschool.org.uk
Friday 14th March– Edgeborough, Frensham, Farnham (Co Ed 2-13) 01252 792495 www.edgeborough.co.uk
April – St Hilary’s School, Godalming (Co Ed 2-11) 01483 416551. www.sthilarysschool.com
Friday 2nd May – St Teresa’s Effingham, Guildford, (Girls 3-18) 01372 750204 www.st-teresas.com
Thursday 1st May – Cranmore West Horsley, (boys 3-18) 01483 280355 www.cranmore.org
June 21st (13 plus entry) – Charterhouse, Godalming (Co Ed 13-18) 01483 291500 www.charterhouse.org.uk